Brian Gongol

In protest, opposition and independent newspapers suspended publication for a day

Now, Israel claims it's shooting down Lebanese-based missiles supplied by Iran and capable of reaching Tel Aviv, while Beirut has lost its airport, seaport, and 42 bridges to bombardment. The death toll is thought to be over 200 and Lebanon's estimated $2 billion tourist industry has been socked in the gut -- a significant blow, considering the entire economy is only about $20 billion a year. With all the distractions around (in North Korea, Iran, Iraq, and Lebanon), is this the kind of time when China might make good on its much-protested "anti-secession" law that included the threat of force against Taiwan?

These aren't depressive singles, they're religious fundamentalists

The current road layout can get a little dicey between the Highway 75/20 interchange and downtown

One fire is causing serious damage in Valentine. California is dealing with significant wildfires, too.