Brian Gongol

One of the spookiest elements to the brouhaha is that a group has specifically threatened to kill the Pope over his remarks. The consequences would be staggering.

Says they're funding groups that try to misinform the public about climate change. What's interesting is that the amount of funding in the US is $2.9 million -- lots of money to most individuals, but pocket change to a firm with a gross operating profit of $73.6 billion a year. If this investment really is meant to secure certain environmental policies favorable to the company, then it's an extremely efficient investment.

Interview with Ahmadinejad. He ducks questions about a free press and free speech, and Brian Williams fails to pursue him on the subject.

Certain government consolidations have mixed results -- some efficiency gains, some losses

Thinks terrorist groups are still too disorganized to carry out anything massively complex on US soil, but that the US government is way behind in getting ready for such attacks

Purdue economist thinks that as US corn prices track oil prices more than world demand for the crop, those prices could become much less stable

The fine was much smaller than it could have been; the FAA gave the city money to fix up the downtown airport, but Mayor Daley destroyed the runway instead.

(Video with disgusting language) Representative of loathsome group gets a taste of his own medicine