Brian Gongol

(Video) The hilarious Wu Tang Financial skit

Survey of 81,000 students finds that most of them are bored out of their minds. That's why mindless lectures and insidious PowerPoint presentations are hazardous to America's health. 50 or 100 years ago, students studied so that they wouldn't have to risk life and limb working in places like dangerous factories. Today, the threat is more ethereal: Study so that you can make enough money to muddle through the pending fiscal calamities in Medicare and government debt. It doesn't seem quite as intrinsically motivational.

Prime Minister Blair's plans for "tackling climate change" includes a plan for 60% reductions in carbon dioxide output by 2050. That's no big deal if you're already 50 or 60 years old, but if you're young, that's a pretty serious limitation to face. We hear far too little about using incentive prizes to encourage innovation that could also solve problems of energy waste and pollution without draconian regulations.

The boss said too many people were asking questions; the judge says that didn't affect her performance (in the hair shop) and shouldn't have gotten her fired