Gongol.com Archives: January 2008
Brian Gongol

January 4, 2008

Water News Low water pressure leads to big fire losses

News Russian foreign minister says they won't join new "holy alliances"
What does that mean in case of conflict with Iran, whose government-run news agency makes joy of Western security concerns?

Broadcasting Chicago politician really doesn't understand talk radio
Cook County Board President Todd Stroger -- a guy whose position is similar to that of Mayor Richard Daley -- was on a talk show a few days ago and laments that "I was bombarded with one hostile caller after another". Seriously: He's one of the top politicians in Chicago, and he's surprised and upset that people called to argue with him. Isn't that just a little naive?

Threats and Hazards Kenya's situation is even worse than it first looked
180,000 people -- or roughly the same as the entire population of Des Moines -- have fled from home, and as many as half a million could go without food. Allegations of fraud and ethnic conflict are compounding a bad situation.

Broadcasting What it takes to produce a TV show inside a Las Vegas casino

The American Way EconDirectory update for January 3, 2008

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