Gongol.com Archives: July 2012
Brian Gongol

July 27, 2012

The United States of America As the Olympics begin...

Computers and the Internet Temporary outages at both Google and Twitter
Always have a backup strategy for services like email

Agriculture Drought has really been a catastrophe for Midwestern corn

The United States of America Is Cuba really open to talks with the US?
Fidel Castro's brother (who is the country's president, after all) says so. But isn't the reality that the island will someday end up being absorbed into the United States -- probably voluntarily -- after the Communist regime dies out?

Computers and the Internet Anonymous accounts on Twitter? Maybe not.
The company is likely to hand over the details of an account-holder who thought he was conducting an anonymous parody of a newspaper executive.

Weather and Disasters Those creepy rolling clouds

Computers and the Internet Kansas City gets Google Fiber

Aviation News Delta is shutting down Comair

The United States of America The lesser-known other side of the Lincoln Memorial

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