Brian Gongol

Next-Generation Firefox Browser To Contain "Sanitize" Feature
Expected to be an easier method of clearing the browser of cookies, form fields, and other saved information. Beta testing to come out late in the year.

Criminals Learn to Take Computer Data Hostage
FBI calls the new viruses "ransomware"

German-Language Spam Program Responsible for More Than 40% of May's Reported Virus Traffic

Lighting Discovery Could Help Card Sharks Cheat and Moviemakers Fix Bad Shots

CipherTrust: Europe Home to Majority of Zombie Computers

Huge New Oil Pipeline Opens Through Russia's Southern Neighbors
Seen as a point of added security against terrorism in the Middle East, but Russia boycotted the dedication ceremony

Netherlands Give EU Constitution an Even Bigger "No" than France
A good sign your proposal is in trouble: It takes 448 government-written articles just to explain what it will do. Just before the vote, with polls way down, people were saying the EU Constitution would be "dead as the dodo" if the Netherlands voted "No"

Smile for the Camera
Someone with way too much time on their hands proves by example that some people have a single, unchanging pose for every photo

Would Longer Life Spans Improve Human Creativity?
Great minds may be having their breakthrough thoughts later in life than before, but what about having those thoughts longer?

Chicago Fed Economist Thinks Most Housing is Outside Bubble
Finds real-estate bubbles in places like San Francisco, but using measures of mortgage costs and income figures that most of the Midwest is probably OK. Boston, NYC also appear significantly overpriced.

Communist North Korea Develops "Magic Pill" to Stop Smoking
Two words: Yeah, right

Ryanair Profits Up 30%
Ultra-low-fare carrier is about to become Europe's biggest

Man Who Ran Russia's Biggest Oil Firm Sentenced to Nine Years in Prison
Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who used to run Yukos, says the Russian judiciary is no longer independent, and the Moscow Times agrees

Israel Worried About Boycotts By International Academic Institutions

Ringtone Based on "Axel F" and Two-Stroke Engine Hottest Thing in UK, South Korea
Apparently it's annoying enough that people are calling the authorities to get it taken off TV commercials

Polio Outbreak in Indonesia
Vaccine supplies inadequate

Why Homeland Security Should Dump the Color-Coded "Terror Alert" Levels Altogether
It's subject to the Chicken Little effect and misleads emergency planners into thinking the entire nation is simultaneously subject to the same threat level, which it simply cannot be

The Greatest Double-Agent of World War II
Juan Pujol managed to convince the Nazis he was on their side, got himself to England, then fed back misleading "intelligence" from a completely fictional network of more than two dozen spies from early in the war through D-Day, which he is credited with helping save by misleading the Germans entirely about the attack.