Brian Gongol

Freshman legislator wants to establish a real, live fashion police; he wins one of my Tin Foil Hat Awards

Company behind it thinks itself very funny, indeed; they're really just stirring the pot unnecessarily

Errors included big security gaps

Single women going to bars with high GI populations to "serve their country" (may not be entirely safe for work)

Two arrests over fraudulent e-mails, and the feds say more are on the way

Forget billions on drugs and foreign aid -- we can save millions of lives just by teaching basic hygiene

They made $105 million last year and $64 million in the first quarter of this year

The commentary is worth the price of admission

The drought continues, and changes to storage requirements are being proposed

In case you were confused, Communism doesn't create a utopia

Separatists fought with security forces

Would create a non-citizen category of residency

Turned out to be a false alarm

Their message: "Public services not private profit." Apparently they're too stupid to have noticed that Communism was a gigantic flop.

Irish cops ready to crack down, and good for them

Can I have his job? I mean, his show is great, but I'll take a million a year

Chemical-weapons attack could have killed tens of thousands

Some good quotes weren't really ever said at all

$2.7 million (Australian) worth in her sandals

Thousands of people left homeless

Sydney Morning Herald says it may have been a planned attack on the electrical grid

El Al wants to use a flare system to deter missile attacks

NKor dictator had passed the site just nine hours before

Special treatment? I know of folks who got the 3rd degree just for carrying a Leatherman

EU Constitution is so haphazard and jumbled it's a guaranteed flop

His biggest hang-up: He wouldn't be able to go for midnight Slurpee runs if he won

They said their reserves were much larger than they really are

Called "C2," it'll be halfway between Classic Coke and Diet Coke

15 per square yard expected throughout western Nebraska, with gusts to 360

Big drought causes big fights over who gets the last drops

He only lasted a few weeks after replacing the previously-assassinated terrorist chief; much world whining follows, as if he wasn't planning to kill the people who killed him

A few more smoldering craters may be in order for other terrorist leaders

Of course, for the $100 he's paid per month, a two-month vacation may be all he gets out of the job anyway

And that, folks, is what elections can be made of

Come on, America -- we're fourth in the world for Guinness consumption

Even France is on board with this one

Mid-air collision caused a fatal crash, but the other thing it hit is nowhere to be found

I've been a student there since 2000

Ireland is by far the lowest spender, and there are complaints that their 14% isn't enough

Air marshals have to disarm before relieving themselves? These are things I did not know...

The "rebels" there aren't just residents; they're also the terrorists we're fighting elsewhere (from Opinion Journal)

The only thing they have in common is their treatment by the media

Insurgents are either being put down or put underground

In case you had any misgivings, it's a rare voice that doesn't praise extremism

So did JetBlue and Northwest

Snowpack 30% below normal

They're a known threat, so something should be done to deal with them

When duty calls...

They're using all they can from the river, now looking to backup supplies

If vandalism is a problem, is the solution really to fine the stores selling sidewalk chalk?

The Ogallala Aquifer is in trouble, and not just in New Mexico

Scaled Composites is ahead of the curve for the X-Prize

Canadians can't even sell them at garage sales anymore, because the Canadian government apparently knows better than you

Early reports said pin was pulled, but then they became less specific

Stupid or poorly-evaluated jokes are one thing. Shutdowns seem far too heavy-handed. A free press should be a free press.

See the picture that caused the flap, and compare it to Pearls Before Swine -- the student who got fired wasn't even drawing his own cartoon

Moroccan had been sentenced to 15 years in prison by a German court, but he'll get a retrial

Ceremonies recall the murder of 800,000 people ten years ago

Should children born to non-nationals receive citizenship? The question is being asked here, too.

Probably not as exciting as a decent film, but it's offered on Austrian

The Soviets were much more fun to have as arch-enemies

They chose blue-haired Marge Simpson

This plane is almost too perfect for its own good; accepted flaws in conventional planes are hard to adapt into a nearly-flawless one

Big Red gum contains an oil that kills bacteria

Hizzoner had the runway busted up in the middle of the night

The "spaghetti harvest" tops the list

Ireland bans smoking practically everywhere

Airships could patrol 500-mile "buffer zone" around the coasts

If attacks on civilians win troop pullouts, what message does that send?

Curfew imposed on Fallujah

Reportedly connected to the arrests in London earlier in the week

Something about the story's headline just doesn't sit right

Letter bombs also sent to radio, TV stations and newspaper