Gongol.com > Archive > 2005 > February 2005
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Gongol.com Archives: February 2005
Brian Gongol

Business and Finance (2.22.2005)
Mark Cuban: "Sports Marketing" Degrees a Waste

Computers and the Internet (2.22.2005)
Why NOT to Sign Up with Online Address Book Programs
In short, the incentive is just too big to sell your e-mail address to a spammer, whether legally or illegally, whether during the course of business or in bankruptcy. So if you're into Plaxo, or whatever else, you might think twice and back out. That, and you could become like Paris Hilton, whose e-mail address book just spilled onto the Internet, along with some photos she took of herself...unclothed. Also there: The telephone number for my friend Chad Rufer. He's quite pleased with himself.

Computers and the Internet (2.22.2005)
Mobile-Phone Viruses Driving South Koreans Nuts

The United States of America (2.22.2005)
Big Eminent-Domain Case Hits SCOTUS Today

Weather and Disasters (2.22.2005)
Bad Weather Hampering Rescue Efforts in Iran
6.4 quake damaged 40 villages, probably killed 400

Threats to Western Civilization (2.22.2005)
New UK Anti-Terrorism Laws Include Extended House Arrest Without Trial

Socialism Doesn't Work (2.22.2005)
Left-Wing Protesters in Moscow Think Government Agents Are Infiltrating their Gatherings
A Russian government? Interfering with political protest? You don't say...

We All Need a Little Humor (2.22.2005)
Australia's Health Minister Discovers Long-Lost Son
He and his girlfriend gave the boy up for adoption 27 years ago. Turns out the son ended up working in the very same building as the father.

Business and Finance (2.22.2005)
Retailers Protesting Big Increase in Value-Added Tax in India

Socialism Doesn't Work (2.22.2005)
North Korea Teases That It Might Go Back to Nuke Talks

News (2.22.2005)
Israeli Military Intelligence Says Palestinian Authority Really Is Cracking Down on Terrorism
Says the terror groups are still planning attacks, though
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Gongol.com -- posted 2.2.2005