Gongol.com > Archive > 2005 > March 2005
"Is the aggregate power of the general government greater than ought to have been vested in it? This is the first question." - Federalist Paper No. 41
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Gongol.com Archives: March 2005
Brian Gongol

Socialism Doesn't Work (3.14.2005)
Chinese Premier: We'll Mess With Taiwan If We Want, and Government Will Continue to Control the Economy, Too

News (3.14.2005)
New Book Says Hitler Almost Had a Nuclear Bomb
But German magazine Der Spiegel says it's all imagination and no evidence

Business and Finance (3.14.2005)
India as World Superpower
Newspaper article talks about it on a 20-year time horizon.

Socialism Doesn't Work (3.14.2005)
China Gets More Belligerent About Taiwan
Vote of 2,896 to 0 (with two abstentions) should be the first sign this was a Communist move. "Anti-Secession Law" provides for "non-peaceful means" to resolving the Taiwan question.

Computers and the Internet (3.14.2005)
Java Flaw Could Make Firefox Open IE
So even if one were using Firefox for the security benefits it offers, a security hole due to Internet Explorer remains

Threats to Western Civilization (3.14.2005)
Abu Sayyaf Prisoners in Philippines Kill Guards, Then Get Killed Themselves

Iowa (3.14.2005)
Domestic Dispute: Whose Has Better Soil, Illinois Or Iowa?

Aviation News (3.14.2005)
Canadian Airline Does a Huge Belly-Flop
Jetsgo was selling tickets at 11:00 Thursday night...and ceased flying at midnight

Threats to Western Civilization (3.14.2005)
Saudi Uproar Over Women's ID Cards
In order to have ID cards, they have to be photographed. That means unveiling, which angers the religious hard-liners.

News (3.14.2005)
Korean Newspaper Says Japanese "Neocons" Are Turning Their Backs on Korea
Given the long Japanese occupation of Korea, there are still lingering hard feelings

Socialism Doesn't Work (3.14.2005)
Only a Psychotic Dictator Makes Schoolchildren Hike 250 Miles "To Learn From His Lofty Intention"
North Korea still hasn't gotten over dead dictator Kim Il Sung, if their absurd propaganda agency is to be believed. Freedom can be messy, but it sure isn't as stupid as that.

The American Way (3.14.2005)
Huge Pro-Democracy Crowds Gather in Lebanon
11,000 people formed a huge human flag of Lebanon. The crowds are both large and sometimes very attractive, with nearly a million anti-Syrian protesters showing up in Beirut. China's government news agency called the crowds "anti-Syrian", but curiously didn't happen to use the word "democracy" in its report. No coincidence there.

We All Need a Little Humor (3.14.2005)
How to Become a Bodyguard
Sure, it's from a stupid men's magazine. Still cool. And a touch sadly relevant given the shootings of this past week.

The American Way (3.14.2005)
Apu and the Kwik-E-Mart Effect
The Simpsons character is a South Asian who runs a convenience store. Chicago Fed research says that, yes, Indians and Pakistanis are disproportionately likely to own and operate convenience stores. Study finds that Cuban, European, Northeast Asian, Middle Eastern, and Indian and Pakistani immigrants are self-employed at a higher rate than people born in the US. Also finds that the stereotypes about what types of businesses they own (Vietnamese nail salons, Korean restaurants, Mexican construction businesses, and Indian convenience stores) actually hold true.
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Gongol.com -- posted 3.2005