Brian Gongol

Fox will launch new TV network in September
Intends to fill the space left by the merger of the WB and UPN networks into "The CW"

Grand Unified Theory of MySpace
"For years we've had tools for people to build any webpage they want [...] and the general public never really accepted them"

The UN works to kill free speech
Despite the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 19 of which says, "Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers," a current treaty being discussed under UN auspices would cut back so many rights, one writer says, "I assumed it must have been written by executives at Fox, NBC and other US TV networks while high on cocaine"

Tax agreement will force "Day of Reckoning" in 2011
Apparent thought process involved: "What's a problem when it can be put off for another five years?" Which doesn't say much for the economic education of our political leadership, nor much for the deficit hawkishness of the White House.

Montana governor pardons sedition convictions from WWI
Pardons resulted from a project by a professor and students at the University of Montana

Surprising: American households spend less on energy than 20 years ago
Energy's share of monthly total spending is down. Energy spending as a share of total spending decreases as income rises, though not as dramatically as one might think.
Water news: Stormwater detention in Des Moines
Graphics: Intercontinental