Brian Gongol

66% of big businesses completely unprepared for bird flu
Or any similar catastrophe, for that matter. Stockholders, employees, and customers should be terrified.

Campaign promises that shouldn't be held up
Bolivian president seizes entire natural-gas industry using military force. Socialism spreads in Latin America, and no one seems to be sufficiently bothered.

Massive collection of Steven Wright jokes

British woman gets will be 63 when she gives birth, thanks to in-vitro fertilization
Because who could possibly imagine any possible psychological damage from having parents a full generation older than everyone else's?

Congress still drunk on public spending
Senate approves $70.9 billion for emergency defense spending, $28.9 billion for hurricane relief, and $9.2 billion for lots of other stuff. And the United States is already trillions of dollars in the hole.

"Critical" updates on the way from Microsoft

Microsoft buys company that places ads in video games
Those ads don't sell themselves, you know. The concept, though, of selling ads that appear on billboards that only exist inside video games seems to push the existential crisis of Billy Crystal's character from City Slickers ("I sell air!") one step farther down the road.

USDA trying to figure out if weed-eating rodents can replace herbicides
Certainly there's no way to make production agriculture entirely chemical-independent, but the thought of using seed-hungry animals to predatorily kill off weeds is intriguing at least
Water news: EPA stream survey says 69% of Midwest streams are "fair" or "poor"
Graphics: Eye Chart