Brian Gongol

Montana thinks it's been slighted in coverage of Lewis and Clark commemorations

Total number of deaths is probably four million or higher

But how a child is raised definitely appears to have a hand in how well he or she will do, too

The US still needs friends in Latin America

Which could make a difference to the net environmental effects of using the two crops to produce ethanol

They appear to be building a plant that could produce enough plutonium for four dozen nuclear weapons a year

Presidents have always had the ability to selectively enforce laws, though that ability ought to be challenged in the courts (thanks to checks and balances). But the ABA says the current President has done it more than all previous Presidents combined.

Poland never really had a purge of Communists from its public sector. With Senate and presidential approval, it may now.

Unfortunately, innocent people will be injured no matter what precautions are taken, and that tends to galvanize opposition

More than 200,000 people are without electricity. Hospitals are getting heavily burdened with people who need electricity for home treatment who have to go to the hospital since they're without juice.

Now they're taking domain names that people are simply checking for availability -- a good reason to use a trusted service like PairNIC

And if you're in Australia, run for the hills -- he's going to star in a musical autobiography