Brian Gongol

Indonesia is finding that decentralization isn't entirely successful, in part because government is so powerful to begin with that the existing bureaucracy is trying to re-gain old power. What they apparently needed was first a dismantling of government power per se, then a devolution of authority to local governments.

Laughter is overwhelmingly seen as a force for good health, but the concept of a "laughter workout" seems, well, contrived. Why not just find a funny movie or read "Catch-22?"

If Pluto can be downgraded to a "dwarf planet," can we also downgrade Tom Cruise and Kevin Federline?

By providing a forum through which people can buy music from unsigned bands, MySpace could make some big money and threaten services like iTunes -- assuming any of the unsigned bands are good enough to attract downloads

Women without a BMI of at least 18 will be classified "unhealthy" and get the boot

American and British workers are now being hired by Indian firms to work in India -- at Western-competitive rates.