Brian Gongol

Wrong. That doesn't mean the UN can't help, but it's certainly not a necessary condition for world peace. People who are convinced that technocrats are necessary in order to make things work imagine a world of fixed laws and static consequences. In reality, the world is one big dynamic system in which voluntary cooperation (often bilateral) is more important than trying to achieve some mythical universal consensus.

Now NATO really needs more troops on the ground and isn't getting them

Since Republicans don't have anyone else to vote for, he's going after Democratic votes -- and getting them

An automatic update for most users. Fixes four big security problems and three lesser ones. Meanwhile, a newly-discovered security hole in Internet Explorer appears to take advantage of Microsoft's Patch Tuesday cycle of updates -- giving the crooks maximum time to do their damage.

Huffington's "On Becoming Fearless"

And reports of a coup in Thailand