Brian Gongol

The new style probably is intended to convey a sense of permanence, but it's not as libertarian as the old forearm-and-torch logo introduced by Margaret Thatcher. It's a little ironic hearing the Conservative Party talk about wanting to change.

A nasty set of flaws have been revealed, and Microsoft doesn't want to break the normal Patch Tuesday cycle

Report says too many agencies push competing development projects; they want a "Marshall Plan"-style approach instead, with one big fund for development

A reminder that in 2006, people are still living under monarchs. Haven't we moved beyond that whole "divine right" thing? We can send humans to the moon and instantaneously search the world's information, but some lucky stiff still gets to rule a country because he or she won the genetic lottery?

No big surprise: China wants raw materials, and South America has lots of them. More evidence that the US needs to buddy up with Latin America, and soon.

Not enough emergency medical care and inadequate follow-up with the traumatized

Mostly from the Census Bureau and NOAA

But while raising tuition at the state's community colleges and universities, Iowa is still dumping cash into subsidizing private businesses

In a word: Yes

The unclassified report is redacted to remove certain names, but it says that allegations that the military knew about Mohammed Atta before 9/11 aren't substantiated by any evidence. It's not good to know that they didn't have him on their screens -- but it is good to know that there doesn't appear to have been a cover-up about that failure.

Gen. Bantz Craddock: "I think there's an exporting of instability coming out of Venezuela. I think it's unfortunate."

They're offering some generic prescriptions for less than $4 a month -- but one pharmacist says they're just taking credit for prices that are already low

Meanwhile, Pakistan's President Musharraf says Richard Armitage threatened that the US would bomb Pakistan into the Stone Age if it didn't cooperate in the War on Terrorism.