Brian Gongol

The tiny grain of truth in the story is what makes it bite: Human capital is probably the most dangerous weapon of all. And America's human capital is being developed in teens who wear stupid T-shirts.

Robert Samuelson's article, though interesting, misses the most important issue of all: Income matters, but it's not the only thing that matters. Much bigger than America's income-inequality problem is our huge debt problem. Lots of people, both high-income and low-income, are living on credit with no substantial assets. When more families have big-screen televisions than have household net worth of $100,000 or more, then we have a serious problem.

This appears to be their official response to the zero-day exploit revealed about a week ago

Dogs are being trained to sniff out the components of DVDs, and the MPAA wants the Customs Service to start using the dogs to find pirated movies. Of course, the dogs can only sniff out DVDs carte blanche -- they can't tell the difference between pirated copies and legitimate copies of the same recording

Police warned that carrying on with the performances "could result in disturbances"