Gongol.com Archives: 2014 Weekly Archives
Brian Gongol

Socialism Doesn't Work 25 years ago: Tiananmen Square
Watch the Frontline special on "The Tank Man", if you haven't before

Threats and Hazards Vodafone basically says there's no such thing as un-surveilled cellphone use
It's not just the NSA wiretapping phones in America -- Vodafone says six countries don't even bother to get wiretaps before getting access to phone records

Iowa Most cities in Iowa are shrinking
There's a very clear migration from the small towns to a small number of large ones

News Why the Cubs should be outstanding in about 2019

Humor and Good News The creator of "Calvin and Hobbes" returns -- ever so fleetingly -- to the comics pages

Science and Technology The value of handwriting in the digital age
The brain processes things differently when thoughts are typed as opposed to when they are written by hand. And the hand-writing is good for the brain.

Computers and the Internet The CIA debuts on Twitter
Maybe that's the sign Twitter has become irreversably mainstream