Brian Gongol

Human Rights Watch says the UN Human Rights Council has given up on a plan to monitor Iran for human-rights abuses. Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, and Zimbabwe decided to end the inquiries. Argentina and France dissented.

A list of ten tips extrapolated from Buffett's behavior

In pulling a "Candid Camera" on their own lawyers, though, aren't they just setting their legal counsel up to expect that anything someone brings up in the office could be a joke?

It's a terrible law, much like the streak of stupid laws that a British journalism student sought to break during a US tour

(Video) Implosion of a Vegas landmark

They also think that somewhere between 4% and 48% of existing climate regions will change. Pat Sajak says the politicians making waves about the issue ought to do something (personally) about it.

Related: In a very low-probability event, a pair of quasi-identical twins turns out not to share all of their genes

(Video) Google Current has a little fun with their "Whazzap?" incident