Brian Gongol

That's a little unnerving. Article was highlighted in a hurricane roundup, which included a story about Mexico City's 22-year cleanup effort after the 1985 earthquake, which apparently revealed big problems with government centralization in the city. 10,000 people were killed in the Mexico City earthquake, which caused astonishing damage to many buildings. Related: Infighting at NOAA doesn't bode well for this hurricane season.

Free trade, on the whole, is very good for society. But there are (obviously) some people who suffer individually. Adjustment assistance for those people can be a way of removing one of the objections that intellectually-lazy demagogues perpetually rely upon.

Those sales were the identities of the victims -- in some cases to the people accused of the crimes

Random car-phone salesman from Wales belts out a nearly professional-quality rendition of opera on a British talent show and ends up a finalist in the competition

When Paul Allen and Scottie Pippen are each pulling in crop subsidies (Pippen's been doing it for years) -- or, in some cases, subsidies for not raising anything at all -- it might suggest that the system is again in need of reform.

Getting divorced isn't just expensive up-front, it really cuts into one's long-term financial future. That's why choosing a spouse isn't just about's a business proposition.

Stupid laws on drinking make criminals out of people who aren't really doing anything wrong

Online survey asked people which pictograms they found most easily identifiable, based on existing and widely-used sets. The results are interesting, especially when broken down by geography and other means.

Expectations used to be rather low. But the head of Google's search group says, "Now, if you don't get exactly what you want in the first three results, something is wrong."

After 47 years of ownership, the station becomes a Citadel property