Brian Gongol

"Doomed" may be a harsh word for it, but questions about durability, unexpected bugs, and service issues are all reasonable to ask

Why Tony Blair should think twice about becoming the world's envoy to the Middle East.

The search-engine company doesn't want Microsoft to squeeze it out of desktop searching like MS squeezed Netscape almost completely out of the browser market. So Google has asked a judge to intervene directly in the application of Microsoft's anti-trust agreement to keep Google's desktop search program from getting the squish.

Though the fact that only three people were killed is a testament to the lifesaving qualities of economic growth. Severe storms and flooding in countries poorer than the UK routinely cause much higher death tolls -- as has just happened in Pakistan, where at least 228 people were killed by storms happening simultaneously with the ones in the UK. Economic prosperity saves lives: An F4 tornado hit a small town west of Winnipeg, but no one was killed -- in part because people have homes built strongly enough to protect them. Wealthy countries have the means to predict and to warn about hazardous weather. If you want to save lives in poorer countries, you have to find ways to help make them richer.

Ghost ads are all around, in urban and non-urban places alike -- and some ads are especially persistent because they were created with lead paint that actually changed the bricks upon which they were painted. An organization actually exists called the "Society for Commercial Archaeology" that is devoted to "the buildings, artifacts, structures, signs, and symbols of the 20th-century commercial landscape."