Brian Gongol

Achieved through a diesel engine, new transmission oil, and some aerodynamic tweaks, plus better engine-management software

US Marines are training soldiers from Georgia how to drive Humvees -- the biggest problem being that most of the Georgians have never driven anything before

Probably not the worst idea in the long as the domain-registration fee isn't squeezing out more important things like the diaper budget

The touch-screen interface makes it hard to design a website that looks good on the "real Internet," as Apple so loudly touted, and that functions when human fingers are involved. And that's not the only reason the iPhone may be forcing some websites to make special iPhone-enabled sites.

Related: Christopher Hitchens's "The Missionary Position" suggests that a lot of popular myth surrounding Mother Teresa is patently untrue

Everyone with a radio or a television anywhere in the USA has heard Peter Thomas's voice at least once. An excellent example of his work is a personal narrative about Omaha Beach. It's gut-wrenchingly good.

(Video) The fake version feels almost too real, but it's hilarious