Gongol.com Archives: January 2008
Brian Gongol

January 3, 2008

Water News Water main break shuts down Dodge Street in Omaha

The United States of America "Huckabee's rhetoric further undermines America's commitment to free trade and openness"
His economic platform isn't much to sing about, and given his win in the Iowa caucuses, the free-markets wing of the Republican Party could use some good news

The American Way Nebraska Rural Radio: A good example of taking action instead of whining
Farmers in Nebraska in the 1940s got tired of several problems with local broadcasting, including limited access to farm market information and weather reports. So instead of petitioning the government to do something about it (using someone else's tax money), as is the habit of so many interest groups today, they formed a self-help organization of sorts and organized their own foundation to serve themselves. Sadly, that sort of initiative seems to be lost on many people today, who instead devote huge amounts of time and money to pushing their causes in the political arena instead of just bootstrapping it and taking care of themselves.

News Law student accused of holding ex-boyfriend hostage
In general, one would expect law students to be especially alert to the hazards of threatening to kill people. But then again, one can be generally right and specifically wrong. Either way, mug shots don't look good on anybody.

Broadcasting Bearded late-night hosts spook everybody

The United States of America Democrats expect a huge influx of independents at tonight's Iowa caucuses
Based on their economic platforms, the 2008 Presidential candidates are a pretty left-leaning lot overall. It looks like John McCain is probably the candidate of choice for the free-market voter.

Science and Technology Irony defined: One of the main components in catalytic converters is smelted at the worst-polluting plant in the world

Humor and Good News "Ten reasons your grandpa could drink you under the table"
The best? Reason #9: Beer signs from "post-Prohibition-era America, where straight-faced enthusiasm for getting blind drunk was matched only by an unwavering belief that tin signs shouldn't pull any punches"

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