Gongol.com Archives: April 2008
Brian Gongol

April 4, 2008

Water News EPA to hand over water regulatory authority to Iowa on May 1

Threats and Hazards Haitians riot over rising food prices

Science and Technology Spray-on coating makes prosthetic teeth work better

Health RAND study says we aren't ready to make use of genetic information
As genetic screening tools get better and cheaper, we should expect to see them used as a tool for improving health care. But if we don't even know what the tools are or how they work, we're probably not going to use them very well. Even more importantly, if we don't know about them, we aren't going to do a very good job of voting about them.

Health Individuals' response to stress is partly inherited
Researchers find a chemical that sets off stress alarms in the brain and match it to genes

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