Brian Gongol

Idle thought: What would've happened if Michelangelo had lived in the era of the Photoshop contest?

Sometimes a stream of foam coming from a fire hose is just a stream of foam. But it probably shouldn't be photographed with the hose hidden behind a bystander, right at waist level.

CNN features a story on a married couple who both lost their jobs in the sub-prime mortgage business. Despite having first-hand knowledge of exactly how out-of-whack lending had become, they built a lifestyle of more than $120,000 a year in expenses, overpaid by at least 20% for their home, took out home-equity loans, and apparently saved very little. While it's sad that they lost their jobs, it's pretty astonishing that they were so oblivious to what was going on all around them. We've wandered a long (and unfortunate) way away from Ben Franklin's warnings against debt: "[T]hink what you do when you run in debt; you give to another power over your liberty."

God prohibits wearing blended fibers in your clothes. You read that right: No poly-cotton blend for you. That is, if you insist upon a literal interpretation of the Bible. Perhaps the divine rules regarding the treatment of slaves ought to give us pause to consider the concept of inerrancy, too: Who thinks their Creator approves of slavery?

Perhaps the free world should do a relay with a "flame of liberty" every year, to remind ourselves that billions of people are still living on this planet without their fundamental human rights -- like freedom of speech and peaceable assembly. That would be a positive message, and might be better than just protesting the Olympic flame when it's carried in honor of authoritarian regimes.

One of the top weather forecasters in Twin Cities television (Nielsen market #15) has been abruptly fired. It appears that the days of making six figures in local television news may be on the way out. Douglas was smart, starting his own businesses on the side. That's really going to be the future of broadcasting: People who work part-time on the air, but rely on something else altogether for their real income. Douglas created and sold an online weather-forecasting business.

(Video) Pretty funny to see what a couple of people who have built a successful franchise on their own have to say (through their characters) about being held back by a labor strike