Brian Gongol

That's an amazing figure, especially considering how long this campaign has gone on. One of the big problems out there is how thoughtlessly people will forward on inaccurate e-mail that simply confirms their previously-held biases rather than looking up the truth.

USA Today reports that credit-card companies raised limits and lending to some pretty ridiculous figures as home-equity values appeared to balloon upward. And now, many people who got deep into credit-card debt are finding that they owe lots of money and don't even have that home equity left-over to pay for it -- as though liquidating the value of one's home to pay for consumer spending was a good idea to begin with. (It's absolutely not.) The US desperately needs a better system of financial education. Total revolving debt in the US is reported to be nearly $970 billion, which is something like $3,000 per person in a country of about 300 million people.