Gongol.com Archives: March 2009
Brian Gongol

March 19, 2009

News Seattle Post-Intelligencer moves to Internet-only distribution
And though it's good that at least some vestige of the institution will remain, it's sobering to read that total newspaper story production -- and total reporter employment -- have both fallen by about 20% or more in the last few years.

Weather and Disasters NOAA thinks the Dakotas and Minnesota are in for big floods this spring

Science and Technology Living bacteria found 40 km (24 miles) above the Earth
Researchers from India have been sending balloons into the high parts of the atmosphere to collect air samples, and one of the samples that came back included three kinds of bacteria we've never seen before. What's intriguing is that at 40 km above the surface of the Earth, there's lots of UV radiation banging down on whatever's up there -- and most bacteria are stopped dead by UV radiation. Apparently, that's not the case with these newly-found organisms.

Business and Finance People love free stuff
Which is why those who wish to provide services on the Internet are scratching their heads, trying to figure out how to make money without asking for up-front payments

Computers and the Internet Apple's new Safari browser for Windows is a big leap forward
Previous editions of Safari were clunky. This new one adopts a native look and feel for Windows, which keeps it from looking like everything is a badly-rendered version of a graphic. Whether it's going to be rigorously defended against security attacks remains to be seen -- that was one of the major flaws of the initial versions -- but this edition is much, much better than its predecessors. Related item: While security is on the mind, go check some of your other computer programs for updates. It's quite likely that several have been updated without your knowledge, and those updates are essential to maintaining good computer security.

Water News Iowa SRF application due date closer than expected
