Brian Gongol

In response to accusations in a new book by Mitt Romney, a White House spokesperson says that as a result of government intervention at GM and Chrysler over the last year, "today these companies are emerging stronger than ever". That may very well be the most ludicrous statement on business ever. GM was a thousand times stronger in the 1950s than it is today. To claim otherwise betrays a complete lack of understanding of business and economics.

Good question. A bit of rooftop gardening doesn't sound like a bad idea for urban-dwellers, though one might suspect that there could be long-term risks associated with eating food grown in an environment dense in air pollution. Rooftop gardens might very well have similar benefits in terms of stormwater mitigation and solar absorption as "green roofs", and urban gardening has long been conducted in densely-populated areas like Tokyo and London, so it's not really a huge innovation. Overall, though, unless and until we get some kind of profound breakthrough in producing clean, cheap energy, urban areas simply won't have any useful economic advantage in raising food on a large scale. Small experiments, perhaps, but not likely anything grand. Unless, of course, the vertical farm project turns out to be something vastly more likely than it appears at the present.

They were busted for privacy rules in a case that one consultant said looked like "prosecuting the post office for [delivering] hate mail"

(Video) Vulgar but funny