Gongol.com Archives: January 2017

Brian Gongol

January 1, 2017

Threats and Hazards Kremlin spokesperson underhandedly threatens the Baltic states

One of the most troublesome possible flashpoints to watch today

Science and Technology Technology lightens the load of rote work in hospitals

The less time that is spent by skilled people on low-skill work, the better off we all are. Skilled people should do skilled work.

News "[T]wo impromptu, largely fact-free press conferences"

In the brilliant words of a writer for Vanity Fair, the President-elect "offered up a series of misleading, disjointed responses, during which he falsely claimed to have created thousands of new jobs, dismissed alleged Russian interference in the presidential election, whitewashed his sprawling financial conflicts of interest, and offered up word salad in a rambling defense of Israel"

Broadcasting Now it's Hearst in a fight with DirecTV

The carriage disputes between local broadcast stations and the satellite and cable systems are a very strange vestige of the early days of cable television. And now? Now customers just find themselves annoyed by the anachronisms.

Humor and Good News Elegant flags of the Japanese prefectures

Compare these magnificent designs with the cluttered and amateurish flags used by so many American states and municipalities

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