Gongol.com Archives: July 2018

Brian Gongol

July 27, 2018

News Rent controls plus subsidies equals disaster

Bad policymaking isn't excused by good intentions

News Lots of kids remain separated from their parents by US policy

Hundreds were left behind as their parents were deported

News "Fear, by itself, does not exonerate the defendant"

A compelling case for prosecuting the careless use of force -- in uniform or out of it

Threats and Hazards Silicon Valley as a "den of spies"

"[F]oreign spies have been showing up uninvited to San Francisco and Silicon Valley for a very long time"

Threats and Hazards The case for a national "political warfare" center

Some things aren't quite war...but they aren't exactly diplomacy, either. That they lack a clear conventional definition shouldn't be the reason they fall through the cracks.

@briangongol on Twitter