Gongol.com Archives: September 2019
September 9, 2019
Sen. Kamala Harris talks sense on violence
She promises "independent investigations of police shootings" as a campaign plank. From a civil-libertarian point of view, an independent body for investigating shootings that involve law enforcement is a sound idea. Model it on the NTSB.
You can vilify automation if you want, but there are places where the alternative means no service at all.
What's happening with Brexit? Watch the Irish.
Beyond the shadow of a doubt, the most important issue is how the Irish border is going to be handled. And that means the Irish media may be best-positioned to report on what's really happening in the UK.
Hurricane-force winds hit Canadian Maritimes
Ex-Hurricane Dorian left 80,000 customers without power in New Brunswick and more than 112,000 in the dark in Nova Scotia.
A majority of Americans are members of religious communities
But that's actually an unusual circumstance across American history. Whether we're "more religious" or "less religious" depends on which cohort of predecessors you choose to count.
Typhoon pounds Korean Peninsula
Yonhap News Agency: "About 3,600 properties have been confirmed to be damaged due to the fifth-strongest winds ever recorded among the typhoons that have hit the peninsula."
Chinese state media discourage pork consumption
Surely an unwelcome development in the eyes of Iowa Pork.