Gongol.com Archives: December 2022

Brian Gongol

December 11, 2022

News Crossing the Great Firewall

The Economist: "China's bureaucracy is so centralised that when unfamiliar threats arise, sensitive information can spread widely while censors await official orders. 'With this level of protest every bureaucrat is afraid to make a decision for himself,' he says."

Computers and the Internet A 4,000-character limit on Twitter?

So goees the rumor, but that's not what anyone needs. What we need is 280 characters, but with footnotes.

Humor and Good News A magnificent street sign from 1941

The lingering influence of Art Deco in this Bulova Watch clock sign is just exquisite

Science and Technology Did we really just get a fusion reaction?

Scientists appear to have achieved (on a very small scale) the holy grail of energy production. It's the best kind of fusion, even ahead of fusion cuisine and fusion voting.

@briangongol on Twitter