How to Save Your Bookmarks
Brian Gongol

How to Save Your Bookmarks in Microsoft Internet Explorer
This method shows you how to save your bookmarks in Internet Explorer (Version 6.0) and e-mail the file to yourself to be used elsewhere. This can be a helpful way to back up your favorite bookmarks when changing computers, moving, or just to make sure you don't lose your favorite links to a computer crash.
  1. Open Internet Explorer
  2. Click on "File"
  3. Click on "Import and Export..."
  4. Click on "Next"
  5. Click on "Export Favorites"
  6. Click on "Next"
  7. The system should automatically pick the highest-level folder for your bookmarks. Click on "Next".
  8. Click on "Export to a File or Address"
  9. Use the "Browse" key and save the file to your desktop. The default name will be "bookmark.htm".
  10. Click on "Save"
  11. Click on "Next"
  12. Click on "Finish"
  13. A pop-up window will appear. Click on "OK".
  14. Find the file named "bookmark.htm" on your desktop
  15. Change the name of the file to "". Click "Yes" when the pop-up window asks if you are sure you want to change the file name.
  16. Right-click on the file and choose "Send to..."
  17. Choose "Mail Recipient". Your e-mail program (Outlook or similar programs) should open automatically.
  18. Enter your e-mail address and send the file to yourself
  19. From the computer on which you want to save the bookmarks, open the e-mail you sent to yourself
  20. Save the file to your desktop
  21. Change the name of the file back to "bookmark.htm". Click "Yes" when the pop-up window asks if you are sure you want to change the file name.
  22. Open Internet Explorer
  23. Click on "File"
  24. Click on "Import and Export..."
  25. Click on "Next"
  26. Click on "Import Favorites"
  27. Click on "Next"
  28. Click on "Import from a File or Address"
  29. Use the "Browse" key to find the file on your desktop. Click on the file name and choose "Save".
  30. Click on "Next"
  31. Click on "Next"
  32. Click on "Finish"
  33. A pop-up window will appear. Click on "OK".
Your bookmarks will now appear in your "Favorites" folder.