The Brian Gongol Show on WHO Radio
Brian Gongol

Bees are under big-time stress, which some agronomists are worried will endanger some fruit and vegetable crops. If you're under stress, too, you can be like Rosey Grier and try needlepoint.

Are you one of Dan's MySpace friends? You can prove how much you like him by sending him a demotivational poster from

The Europeans say they're going to get 20% of their energy from renewable fuels by 2020. Is that going to happen? Maybe, maybe not. We could do a lot better by offering incentive prizes for energy innovations.

Iowa Senate File 390 would impose a new 5% tax on your cable TV bill. But some people in the House want to give some tax breaks to fitness centers.

The premature switch to Daylight Saving Time is a mess for a lot of computer users, especially if you use Outlook. Microsoft has an update.

This week's Security Update has a few hints. Don't forget Tuesday's Windows Update.