Wise Guys on WHO Radio - April 19, 2014

Brian Gongol

The WHO Radio Wise Guys airs on WHO Radio in Des Moines, Iowa on 1040 AM or streaming online at WHORadio.com. The show airs from 1 to 2 pm Central Time on Saturday afternoons. A podcast of show highlights is also available. Leave comments and questions on the Wise Guys Facebook page or e-mail them to wiseguys@whoradio.com.

Heartbleed news

Computers and the Internet Crooks used Heartbleed to hack at least two big sites
A UK site called "Mumsnet" and the Canada Revenue Agency both got hit

Computers and the Internet A reminder: Change your passwords to protect from Heartbleed

Computers and the Internet It's time to give serious thought to signing up for two-step verifications online

Culture and signs of times

Humor and Good News "Star Wars" posters in a vintage WWII style
Others have tried travel posters in the same vein, too.

Broadcasting Sign of the times: Television weather forecaster hasn't heard of Huey Lewis and the News

Computers and the Internet College newspapers move to a digital-first model
The biggest problem will probably be whether the lack of a highly specific nightly deadline causes journalists (collegiate or otherwise) to take the foot off the gas. Conversely, by releasing journalists from form-dependent work (that is, laying out a physical newspaper), perhaps a digital-first model will encourage more meaningful storytelling.

Technology developments everyone can love

Science and Technology PicoBrew: Making beer like using a Mr. Coffee

Business and Finance Put your money where your "green" attitudes are
Toyota is offering investors the opportunity to buy "green" bonds, funding those consumers who want to buy cars like the Prius using dealer financing

Science and Technology Toyota promises more than a dozen cars to use the Atkinson-cycle engine by 2015
It's expected to be 30% more fuel-efficient than conventional engine designs

Science and Technology Transparent, conductive, flexible, and cheap: Graphene could be the wonder material

Social media, culture, and law

News Devastating story about child tormented by her peers

Computers and the Internet When a Facebook "like' signs away your right to a trial

Computers and the Internet Police raid over Twitter account impersonating the mayor of Peoria
If you're a public figure and you don't want to risk being mocked or impersonated, get there first. Establish a presence that people will recognize and believe.

Other technology-related news this week

Computers and the Internet Microsoft moves Bing in the direction of Google Plus/Google Now

News Are college adjunct instructors badly underpaid?
Students pay rapidly-rising prices for education. The instructors say they're wildly underpaid. There's a market failure at work here, and someone's going to get rich for resolving it. A consultant calls it "alarming" that 70% of faculty are adjuncts. The current tenure system looks like a serious roadblock to fixing the problem.

Science and Technology Early outreach to get girls into science and engineering
We're not doing ourselves any favors as a society if the culture discourages 50% from using their natural abilities

Listener questions

From Martha:
I don't know who to talk to for help so I am asking for your help. I do not get to listen to your program so am hoping you can reply by email. Recently, our email address sent out a link to many people in our email address book. It was a weird email and our family & friends knew it looked strange so did not open it. We received emails from friends telling us to change our email password and that would take care of it. I changed the password to unusual characters and numbers. Today I received an email message from a friend that he had received 3 emails within the last 24 hours from us. The emails had a link and the friend said they didn't appear to be something we would send so he did not open. I plan to change the password again. What else can we do? I also have email on my cell phone. We don't see that we sent any email like what has been told to us from our sent box.

From Todd:
I was the one that sent you the text yesterday regarding how local stores do not carry windows 7. You have to forgive me. Although I appreciate your recomendation on the Asus Transformer tablet I was being a little sarcastic when I mentioned why I didn't want Windows 8. I was not able to tune into the remainder of your program cause I had to get back to work. (WHO radio wise guys) Later I w2as able to find a copy of 7 on tigerdirect.com. It is also available on newegg.com. I just like my desktop to look like what im familiar with windows xp. Anyways you have a good day. thank you.

From Becky:
Don't have texting so sending an email. Hopefully you have some expertise in this area or can point me to some article that could help me. I had email running on Win XP using Outlook Express. New computer is Win7. Is there anyway to move my emails/contacts from Outlook express to Outlook? I have Outlook on my new computer but have yet to set it up. I also have Windows Live Mail on the new computer. I don't know which files to move and where they might be located on the old computer. I have read some articles that say I need to import files into Windows Live Mail, then export and reimport into Outlook. Not sure if that is the method I need to do or not.